Capturing experiences, echoing memories.

Relive your most precious memories through augmented reality

About us

SensoriomArte was created upon the commitment Sander made with himself to stop living in his comfort zone. After 6 years of not taking a break from finishing school and working his job, he noticed that the people around him started sharing more and more stories about where they traveled, who they met, and what they had accomplished.

This made him realize that really, life is about exploring, creating new experiences, and building long-lasting relationships. Thinking about this sparked the vision of finding a way to relive precious memories and important accomplishments. With an idea in his head, Sander went back to his comfort zone; his desk. 3 years later, SensoriumArte was launched.

SensoriumArte offers personalized wall art that combines beautiful designs with intelligent technology. Through augmented reality, we’ve created a way to watch and listen back to your favorite experiences from the past, as if you were present in the moment. Using footage from your favorite memories as the foundation for your art, you are capable of creating something that will last a lifetime.

Our mission is to capture people living their best lives through personalized wall art and help them revisit those precious memories. We envision igniting the urge to explore life’s wonders while capturing these memories through personalized soundwave art.

We hereby invite you to experience the wonders of life and to create and celebrate new memories. Welcome to SensoriumArte: where memories are brought to life.